Curiosity Matters More Than You Think

Curiosity has a lot of praise heaped on it. But for all that praise, it is in desperately short supply. We live in a time where minds are made up in social groups about complex issues - often without any sort of expertise or evidence, where accusations made against others in public are accepted pronouncements of guilt without a trial, and where questions we want answered are sent through programs that tell us only what they know we want to hear (even though there are better search engines like DuckDuckGo that don't target us with specific answers). In many ways it has become socially unacceptable to be curious while at the same time praising curiosity as if it is the best thing in the world. Thankfully, children are oblivious to the social pressures that squash our natural curiosity.


Free Play = Happiness

Free play is something we have endorsed before,. That is – in part – because it is critical to future happiness, emotional development, creativity, social skills, political savvy, curiosity, and self-control. The science is pretty clear on this. Yet it is rare to see children engaged in free play. On the rare occasions where a cluster of children is spotted it tends to be under the supervision of a group leader at one of any number of structured activities. While those activities may be useful in terms of filling in free time, too many of them are detrimental to child development. The outcomes since the early 1980s where the trend toward extracurricular overload began are sad. Increased anxiety and depression are but two of the negative long-term effects. And because of the length and depth of the trend, we are now in an age where many parents never had the chance to enjoy the benefits of free play.


Raising Equality

The curriculum this week is focused on female role models. This subject matter has been a part of the curriculum for decades now. When we reflect on where the curriculum started we can't help but think about a very different world.