We Love Good Men

This will be our second year without a Father's Day Breakfast. We hope it is not only our last event to be lost (we are figuring out the possibilities for the luau), but that we can all take a moment in the absence of the breakfast and let the men in our lives know that we appreciate them. And let them know why. You will likely have unique reasons why the special men in your life are worthy of your praise. For us, the following characteristics are things we can't help but admire.


Earth Day

Earth Day occurs this week and that means a number of things to us. First and foremost - at Greystone House it means we will be outside as much as the weather allows. We love that and so do the preschool aged children we support.



Of all of the dangers that social media presents to children, perhaps the worst is the unrealistically inflated sense of self that the culture of likes conveys. The ease with which the same machinery can crush the ego of those who do not yet have the life experience to contextualize what they are experiencing is equally appalling. The persistent forces that convey the message that our worth is defined by what our group believes is incredibly destructive.