Developmental Milestones

One frequent question we hear from parents is "Is my child normal?". The question is generally asked in the context of development. This is of course a very broad question and if we are being honest it is usually asked with some specific incident or developmental milestone in mind. There are a few very good resources we are aware of when it comes to understanding what those milestones should be and when they should occur. Stanford University School of Medicine, WebMD and the CDC all have outstanding resources when it comes to understanding development.


Emotional Maturity

Entering first grade, children are confronted with social hierarchies and politics to navigate that are going to be, in some fashion, new to them. One of the advantages for children in childcare is that all of them have at least been in a group social situation by the time they move to elementary school. But mere attendance in a group environment does nothing to prepare a child for the transition.