Toddler Power

The toddler age group is generally seen as one of the more challenging when it comes to parenting. We are prone to disagree. While parents and toddler's alike may struggle at times with the limited communication abilities that come with the age, it turns out that there is one big thing you can do to get your toddler engaged and happy. Put them to work.


Hey Bosses… Parents Need Your Support

This blog isn't only for our parents at the school. This one is for the bosses to whom our parents report. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. At Greystone House we support families with children from 6 weeks old through Kindergarten. We are very fortunate in that many of our families start in our infant room and remain all the way through our programs. Not only is that a great way to provide stability for the children, but it is a wonderful opportunity for us to build a partnership and relationship over time as we get to really know the family. One thing we see over and over again that we love as much as the growth of the children is the development of our Mom's and Dad's. We like being a part of that, and we feel the need to suggest that employers be a part as well.


Montessori and the Future of Work

The new world of global commerce is developing at breakneck speed and that requires that peoples and countries alike build the ability to change and adapt. With that in mind we as parents need to ensure that we prepare our children to be active participants in this world rather than passive subjects.