The Value of Free Choice

Making choices starts early in Montessori. As soon as an infant begins rolling on the floor in a Montessori classroom they are able to start making choices that direct what they will do next. While these choices may not be as conscious as the choices adults make, much of the circuitry used gets exercised in a similar fashion. As a child progresses both within and across the classrooms they make more complex choices every day. This self-directed learning is the beginning of a self-directed life. We consistently argue that a self-directed life is one the owner of that life will value more than if it is directed for them. So how is it that you as parents can ensure your children are building a life they value and developing the critical wiring they need to make the choices that will facilitate that life?


In Praise of Wildlife

We want to tie into our curriculum subject this week (birds) and talk about wildlife viewing as a part of engaging with nature and creating some fun, family time. It may surprise newcomers and outsiders that the 4th most populous city in the United States has an abundance of wildlife. Not only is there an abundance, but there is also an enormous variety.